Detective Brian Simonsen Youth Field Day

Victory Field 92-50 Myrtle Ave, Woodhaven, New York

Join the 102 Precinct and the Detective Squad for a day of fun for their annual Detective Brian Simonsen youth field day event at Victory Field on Saturday, September 10, 2022, from 1-5 pm. Bring the kids out for this free event. Food and beverages Bounce Houses Cotton Candy Free Giveaways Nypd Specialty units

Queens Community Board 9 – Monthly Meeting (Zoom)


Join the Queens Community Board 9 for their monthly meeting! Zoom Link: XlRZHlSYkh2TnRJUT09 Meeting ID: 815 6315 9923 Passcode: 242761

106 Precinct Community Council

Demutiis Park 10105 101 Street, Ozone Park

Join the 106th Precinct Community Council in their monthly meeting!

Build the Block – 75th Precinct, Sector A

YMCA 570 Jamaica Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, United States

Attention Cityline residents, join your Neighborhood Coordination Officers of Sector A and be a part of their upcoming safety meeting on Friday, September 16th at 7 pm at the YMCA at 570 Jamaica Avenue.

Community Clean Up

Join us on Tuesday, September 27th at 2 PM to help keep our community clean! We will be clearing litter and graffiti on Liberty Avenue, 80th Street, and the surrounding areas. This is a great opportunity to make a difference in your community! Meeting Location: Crossbay and Liberty

102 Precinct Community Council

One Stop Richmond Hill Community Center 110-08 Jamaica Avenue, Richmond Hill, United States

Join the 102 Precinct Community Council for their monthly meeting!

Thanksgiving Food Drive

The office of the NYC councilwoman Joann Ariola will be hosting a Thanksgiving Food Drive! Simply drop off canned or non-perishable food items to their offices in Ozone Park or in Rockaway. Ozone Park: 93-06 101 Ave Rockaway: 114-12 Beach Channel Drive, Suite 1

Community Board 9 Meeting (Zoom)


Join the Queens Community Board 9 for their monthly meeting! Zoom Link: XlRZHlSYkh2TnRJUT09 Meeting ID: 882 3209 2000 Passcode: 397746

106 Precinct Community Council

NYPD 106 Precinct 10353 101 Street, Ozone Park, NY

Join the 106th Precinct Community Council in their monthly meeting!

FDNY Open House

Want to learn more about the FDNY and explore the potential for a new career? Head over to your local firehouse for the New York City Fire Department (FDNY) open house this weekend - you can even get yourself a free smoke/CO alarm! Sessions: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm or 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm