Halal Food Distribution
Masjid Al-Aman 203 Forbell Street, Brooklyn, NY, United StatesHalal food distribution hosted by Assemblywomen Jenifer Rajkumar and other sponsors. First come first serve, while supplies last.
Halal food distribution hosted by Assemblywomen Jenifer Rajkumar and other sponsors. First come first serve, while supplies last.
NCO Boy (B) will be hosting their quarterly Build The Block meeting via Zoom on March 31st, 2022. We look forward to meeting and connecting with our community. Meeting ID: 160 489 0626 Passcode: NCOBOY#1
In Person & Virtual Meeting ID: 833 2426 7925 Passcode: 620117
Community Boards improve the quality of life for all New Yorkers residing in their community. They have an important advisory role with the City Budget, municipal service delivery, land use and zoning, and other matters relating to their communities’ welfare. Queens Community Board 9 covers: Woodhaven (11421) – East side of Eldert Lane including odd […]
Join the 106 Precinct Community Council to be informed about what is happening in your area and share any concerns you may have! To register for the Zoom, go to: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85692985168
Join New York State Assemblywoman Jenifer Rajkumar for an Iftar Dinner!
Join us for our 10-Day Halal Hot Meal Distribution! Everyday from 4/21 through 4/29 at 6:30 PM at Liberty Plaza. Thanks to our sponsors: DHCare-Licensed Home Care Agency, BACDYS, Madani Halal, IOS - Indian Officers' Society, Assemblywoman Jenifer Rajkumar, NYC Corrections DESI Society, LULU ASIAN, BHALO, Brothers, Birria Mania, NUR THAI, The Gully, The Razzaque Family, Empire HealthPlus, Filzas Medical Care P.C., SureDrugs Pharmacy, and Integras Intelligence, Inc.
Join us to beautify the community this Friday, April 22nd, for Earth Day. To volunteer, please sign up at copcp.org/earthday or donate to help cover the costs of paint and supplies at copcp.org/donate. In collaboration with New York City Department of Sanitation, Senator Joe Addabbo, Assemblywoman Jenifer Rajkumar, Assemblywoman Stacey Pheffer Amato, and Councilwoman Joann […]